Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

Age 34, Male

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Deathless Lands

Joined on 10/9/07

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tl;dr mostly because the title 'vanessa hudgens' put me off.

She's evil, so it should put you off.

that's not why she put me off, it's because she's from disney.

That too, Disney sucks now. What ever happened to the company that made The Lion King? Back then it made kids' movies the whole family could enjoy; now it makes preteen girls' movies that only preteen girls can enjoy.

Keep Fierce Deity. Everbody needs an icon, a hero to believe in with the world on the verge of being under Hindol's control. Without that icon, we all question why we fight. How will our efforts stop the spread of Disney, Communism and the other Vannessa Hudgens' out there? Sorry, but you're stuck with that persona, whether you like it or not. Unless, of course, this is all a joke to you and you don't believe in our world's best interests.

A joke? You think Hindol is a joke to me?! Not after all these years. No. I know better than you do what the Dark Lord is capable of, and it's not pretty. I've seen with my own eyes what he does with a nation, or ewith a small-scale practice world. I've read his dreams, his memories, his emotions, even those things which lay below the surface of his conscious. I know him inside and out. To be fair, he has done the same with me. If you think that I, for one second, would consider him anything less that a threat of the gravest degree after seeing all that, you're on drugs.

Vanessa, Lady Gaga, they too are dangerous. By rotting our culture, they destroy us. Look at what Hindol's servants did to Rome! Both of them are stronger than anything he had back then. And the more they serve and obey Hindol, the stronger they become.

But is Fierce Deity Link the hero to lead the fight against them? Hindol and his servants are much more dangerous than a falling moon and an evil mask. A falling moon kills you, a mask starts some trouble, but society holds together through Majora's troubles, and even through the deaths of some of its members. Hindol rots away at the very fabric of society. Does Link have any experience against that? He has defended the social order faithfully against many outside threats over the years, but what about threats to the society and culture from within? He's done well so far, taking out every threat to Newgrounds since November 2007, but that's at such a small scale compared to a Dark Lord with his tentacles deep in the nation.

I dont know the older Disney is the closer to Walt the Nazi. But new Disney is just gay.

Well, everyone has their flaws, and anti-Semitism and such may be bad, but pushing sexual deviance and a self-destructive view of racial acceptance on the world is worse. Everyone should be proud of their race, not just minorities, but the media (firmly under Communist control, which is of course Hindol pulling all the strings) tells us otherwise.

The only thing I know about her is that there are nudes on the net.

Yes there are, and I fapped to them when the first wave came out in September 2007.

vENESSA HUGGANS sucks!!!!!!

She most certainly does. I hear she swallows too.