Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

Age 34, Male

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Deathless Lands

Joined on 10/9/07

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Yes, stop the spam...

But do it right, not fail all over yourself like most of my friends did, not make yourself into a joke like I did.

sorry, i have been endorsing Spam for the last 2 weeks or so.

Did you read the post? I address my own former anti-spam stance, not simply take it again.

The FLA for the anti-spam thing is on my eMac, which might not even work anymore. I'll try to dig it up.

All I ask is that you try.

It's all fun and games until they start stealing accounts and doing malicious things with them.

I'm looking at you, Duck Division.

Or at least I've HEARD they've done that before.

Crap movies replaced spam submissions because of who is getting ahold of flash. Children and young adults with nothing better to do. Take those away along with spam, we get around 100 submissions a day. But really, I see no difference with that number if we've done the same in the year 2007 and 2008. Except the number of submissions per day would be 55-75. But then again, it DOES seem the portal is less motivated.

The people working with flash are working just because they feel like it. Almost like we're going down the Youtube road. Not good. But more people means more money for Mr. Fulp. And more money means more December tablets and that is ALL I care about at the moment.

I might actually get one this year. Holy shit!

Well, whatever crebz and/or Levon may have done, those mods were dumb shits for having weak passwords. Of course, I would have left Egoraptor locked out of his account forever if I was Wade, after all the damage done with his account (frontpaging gay porn and unscouting the entire fucking Art Portal), and of course because I'm still hoping for him to get in that gay bondage accident.

It's not because new idiots have replaced old trolls. The old trolls just left, and the new idiots have always been around but nobody saw them with the trolls in the way. But I'm still in the Portal on occasion, and I can clearly see that there's a lot less submitted than there was in 2007 when I started B/Ping.

People only ever work with Flash when they feel like it. But I'm certain there aren't so many new people as you'd think, at least not staying around. And Tom and Wade sure as fuck aren't helping that by their Web 2.0 shit. Like that featured game of the week? Worst idea since legalizing abortion. Even stuff like blogs were and are a double-edged sword, some people using them right, others, well, there's a guy on this site who posts a whole bunch of celebrity porn fakes every day to give you an idea of how it's misused. That kind of misuse isn't helping slow or stop this place's decline either. Which is why I feel I need to do something, as usual.

And if you get a tablet, I'll down an entire 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew in your honor.

Ahh, I remember. That two-day controversy where some mods got temporarily hacked and threads in the General Forum were deleted. I wasn't in General at the time, and only read about it from somebody high-up. Either one of the more intelligent mods, or Wade. I think it was the former. He told us to keep an eye on the Web URL before inputting our passwords.

Are you saying the hackers got the accounts by guessing the passwords? Surely they used some devices, right?

Heh, so you don't like Game of The Week either huh? I'd be ok with it if it were smaller, and perhaps under the front paged movies or a small section under the Site News, where we currently have ads displayed. Push those ads further down. We see enough of them everywhere else. Or, perhaps on the Flash Portal page! That hasn't been updated since the redesign! Except for links to Flash Ads and Medal use.

What? You're against abortions? What else could a teenage girl do after she was raped? Sure, you could say that it is a woman's stupidity that gets them unwanted pregnancy in every scenario, but abortions are a discovery among mankind. Like the wheel, like fire, like the use of electricity, like video games, like flash, like free speech. I'd say gunpowder too, but then I'd be an asshole.

What I still don't get is why can't we continue stem-cell research. The next step to a healthy utopia among the human race.

If I won a tablet. If Tom Fulp made a News Post with MY username in the title telling Newgrounds all about my flashwork, I would probably facepalm myself repeatedly to wake up. But when that's over and I except reality, I'd kiss my momma on the cheek and run outside the house cheering in total bliss. And then to celebrate, I would spend the whole day on Newgrounds bragging about it to my chums. Oh, and my love for Newgrounds would increase something around ten-fold. So, I'd probably get started on my next Pico Day movie I have planned, on top of two RE Collab parts to finish, and Nintendo Story Episode 5. But my plate being full wouldn't stop me.


I'm not getting my hopes up. My chances of getting one of those 31 tablets aren't hopeless. My BA is over 3.5 and there are not many authors with a similar BA who don't have a tablet. In fact, though there may be one exception, all the authors in the Resident Evil Collab 2 with a BA over 3.5 have a tablet, except for me. Tablets don't just allow finer detail to each drawing. They're faster than using a mouse. I spend more time drawing in a flash movie than actually moving shit across the screen. And apparently I'm the only guy who has a problem with that. Screw this mouse. I've had enough. This is how fast you can make stuff when using a tablet:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEDLhPmijfk">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEDLhP mijfk</a>

Skip to 1:00-ish to see what I'm talking about. I can do everything he did in nine minutes, but it would take me something like 2-3 hours. Mostly because I won't be motivated to continue drawing as long as I keep screwing it up.

So, I don't suppose you actually downed that 2-liter did you?

You try getting your hands on a 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew without access to a car or any stores within walking distance. Especially when my parents insist on watching everything I do and obsessing about my weight. But the promise is not forgotten.

Though late for a comment, it was around the time for the holidays when you posted this, and you are totally right in all details of your rant, however, just like in Clock Day a lot of spam appears during the holidays.
Mad props on youur post, insightful as always

This post isn't specifically about the holidays. It's meant to stand as a part of an issue, and the issue doesn't die when the holidays end. But having "fought" for quite a while, I learned to check my facts before taking a mace against polearm-wielding opponents (on a side note, the developers should have had some polearms and heavy two-handed weapons for Ezio to carry).

About the side-note: Definately

Maybe they should have Desmond use them in the third installment.

An intelligent and purposeful post. Sadly, not to many of them these days. Also, U agree.

I care about the insignificant happenings on a semi-obscure website in the middle of the second-to-bottom tier of the Internet. That shows how little of a life I have, and how much of a waste of intelligence I am. Still, thanks.

^ I. Sorry.

We all make mistakes. I can see at least one error in my post, and there's probably more that I'm too tired to look for right now.

I haven't been here long enough to determine the prior quality/quantity of flash animations around this site, but for those I hvae seen, it is the same:
Incredulous violence, imbecilic humor accompanies with excessive swearing, animated pornography, or a combination of all three.

It's a site full of boys ages 12-16. I know that when I was that age, I was certainly a fan of that stuff. But if you don't want that trash, let's see... Brackenwood, maybe? I don't see much around here that isn't sex, violence, and swearing. I'm a huge fan of the Brackenwood series, though, nothing bad there. It's kinda like a Disney animated short, mostly because of the creator's past work at Disney.

Damn dood.

If you think this sucks, remember how stupid the old one was!

fuck i need to start making flash again

fuck i need to get my windows partition working

fuck i need to get a real computer instead of this half-dead laptop that can barely even run linux

I probably need to start making Flash myself. If I could just find the time.