Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

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RAGE Blog 3: Account Suspension!

Posted by SoulMaster71 - March 9th, 2009

Sorry I'm late on the post, hadn't found anything to RAGE about for a while... But now, I'M FUCKING PISSED AGAIN!

So here's the story. I was browsing an imageboard when I got this e-mail from NXServe, the free host I was using for 71chan.
Hello <my name here>,

This message is to inform you that the following package with NXServe - Fast and FREE Hosting has been suspended:

Package: NXServe FREE Plan One
Domain: 71chan.co.cc
Username: *******

If you feel that this is in error, please notify the support department immediately.

Thank you,
NXServe - Fast and FREE Hosting

Most likely, it was the proxy I set up last night. I guess for a moment I was too preoccupied with trying to get around my school's firewall (trying to access Paheal from school) to remember that their ToS forbid proxies. FUCK! I'm mad at myself right now, for letting a momentary indiscretion ruin my best free host yet! I'm mad at LordZeebmork for even putting the idea of setting up a personal proxy into my head! And I AM FUCKING PISSED AT NXSERVE! What, I can host user-submitted content with an imageboard format for over a month, including pornographic content, but one little proxy, and BAM! I'm gone in less than 24 hours?! Jesus Christ, at least give me a warning before banning me, like send me an e-mail asking me to remove the proxy/multimailer/any other offending content before whacking me with the b&hammer! And

Fuck, now I almost guess I know how spammers and such feel when they get locked out of their NG accounts...

EDIT 3-13-09: Account unsuspended, offending content removed. 71chan is therefore BACK UP! However the art contest has been extended to May 20th for entries and June 20th for winners.


I recommend paying for hosting

As if I have that kind of money...

if you cant afford hosting dont get it punk and if you do get free hosting dont bitch when it doesn't work because your not fucking paying for it. by the way the clock crew WAS founded in 2002 go to our site and look for your self. as for the day i mistyped OOOOO I'M SO HORRIBLE!!! get over your self dude its all to apparent where your head is. 3 feet up your own ass.

Really? B was in 01, and I'm looking at B as the beginning, so by my reckoning the Clocks began on August 15, 2001. I haven't looked at clockcrew.cc in over a year, actually. Sorry if I sounded rude there.

Also, I was just venting at being banned. That would have happened on paid hosting too, because I did something stupid and resource-hogging.

P.S. your website sucks.

Imageboards suck until someone shows up and posts on them, and there's only three people on 71chan. Of course, if too many people show up to post, a lot of them will be shitty and the board will end up like 4chan.

its all good.

instead of my to host one try joining one i post at a few often enough yes B was submitted in 2001 but strawberry didn't form the CC the CC formed as a result of
strawberry's works. if i remember Correctly Pineapple clock was the original founder strawberry never really had anything to do with the actual group only a hand full of people actually talked to him i have spoken to him is a bit.... strange in the head. but he is our king and we love him. :P ive been a clock since 2005 and followed there work since 2003 i know alittle but dude.

we cool :)

You've spoken with SBC? I envy you, in a way. I've seen SevenStar and caught his eye for a moment, discussed crew history with a crew account, spoken with SBL and cr0m, even brought old and forgotten users back from the nowherelands beyond NG to reply to my reviews, but that would be my crowning achievement: to speak, were it but for a minute, to Coolboyman/StrawberryClock, see what he's been doing since leaving NG and his legacy behind him. Then I could truly say I've seen legends!

But it's good to hear that you're not mad at me anymore.

new dude i got alot of bark but i dont like to bite :) if i can resolve it with words and make friends im all for it im actually one of the nicer clocks a lot of them are very elitist and or just plain mean but not all of us id have to say my favorites are billiard ball clock, corpse grinder clock, and wind-up clock. :) i like a lot more of them but those guys stick out. SBC is probably a stranger person than anyone will ever know. the CC probably only fueled the fire of his mind. he seemed nice but there was definitely something odd about him. :) you seem like a cool enough fella sorry for lunging at you dude i get aggressive right off most of the time it makes people just straight up back down I'm glad you decided to talk reasonably :) that's how friendships start my friend. any time you wanna talk feel free dude as for this very moment im headed off to bed night.

Wait what? I gave you the idea for setting up a proxy? When?

Although yeah, you should probably use a disposable account for things like that. Or multiple disposable accounts. On other hosts.

I seem to remember you posting to set up a proxy on a free host at one point... But looking through your posts now, it must have been deleted, or I must have been dreaming. And maybe if I ever need it again I'll try that, but as of now 71chan is blocked at my school, and I'm banned from using computers there, so I don't need a personal proxy anymore.

sup dude.

Absolutely nothing, except that I can't think of anything to rage about.