Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

Age 34, Male

Sacred Defender

Deathless Lands

Joined on 10/9/07

Exp Points:
13,180 / 13,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.63 votes
Sgt. First Class
Global Rank:
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Temporary NG Hiatus

Posted by SoulMaster71 - April 27th, 2009

Well, Newgrounds, after over a year and a half of awesome moments, it seems it's time for me to take a vacation from you. I love you all, but fact is, most of you don't even know me, and most of you who do hate me. This wasn't always so, but for a time we were enough alike that we could get along. And then I changed. My period as an atheist/agnostic ended, and I returned to the Church in which I was Baptized and Confirmed, and you came to hate me for being religious. I stopped being a liberal, supported McCain in the November election, and you came to hate me for that. And then the homosexuals/bisexuals among you came to hate me more than the rest, because I came to be once more the most outspoken enemy of queers outside the Westboro Baptist Church. And that's only the maybe 10% of active users who have ever heard of me.

That, of course, wouldn't be a problem if I still had something to do here, but lo and behold, those I once fought against are all either apparently gone like CuteAndFuzzy, half-gone like LordZeebmork, no longer enemies like BigFuzzyKitten (who is also gone), or completely off my radar now (too many to count). The spam I fought is all but dead, leaving me behind with nothing to do. Meanwhile, the new enemy isn't spam, or even actual rule-breakers (well, they still are the enemy, but that's a bit different), but instead just plain old idiots who make shit Flash because they can do no better, and idiots of the same sort who upvote those same shit Flash for being "lol sooo randum lolol". But while I would love to deal with them, I just don't know how to, since unlike the people I used to fight these children do not frequent the BBS, and I've lost all interest in reviewing.

So here we are, at the end of this story. I've cherished the time I spent with you all, but the situation that kept me here has changed. I stayed here because it got me off of WWE, but now Newgrounds has become WWE to me, complete with the very penis humor that made me think D-Generation X was so hilarious. But NG didn't just directly save me, it taught me a lesson, and to not remember that lesson when NG itself becomes my addiction is simply foolish to say the least.

Of course, I'm not gone for good, nor am I planning never to check NG again. In fact, I'm still going to deposit my experience daily, or at least whenever I remember to deposit. As for anyone contacting me... This place is pretty much a bad idea, since I might end up checking it like once a week or whatever, at some point. That pretty much leaves AIM and MSN and e-mail, and of course 71chan, which is currently not completely working due to new PHP restrictions by my host, but will eventually be up at full capacity. In fact I invite anyone to contact me if they want to, or to go to 71chan.

Until next time,
SoulMaster out!


Aw, come on mista Solemastah, you've spent your time here always fighting some big cause or hating some group of people. Spammers, Scientologists, religious people, 4Channers, or at least those are ones that I remember. Have you ever thought about enjoying Newgrounds in the normal, casual ways?

We are the #1 flash site, there's still plenty of decent movies and games being submitted, and a number of gems that people like you (potential contributors) should be promoting the hell out of. Weren't you with a group of Portal Defenders who focused on giving deserved votes to each flash? Do you still do that? Because us animators are still pissed that shit makes the front page and gets all the attention, while our modest shite gets two reveiws as it passes through the 50 Most Recent Submissions. There's a worthy cause to fight for.

And didn't you tell me that you got Flash when you joined the Kitty Krew during its final days just for the LULZ? What happenned there? All I remember is a pillow with a cock.

The thing is, I think you like the thrill of being a cynical, old bastard. Oh no, it's not a bad thing. But you always have some enemies, you always have your own views on life which may or may not take a negative tone, and you hate certain shit so much that you started a RAGE blog (which you didn't update, you fucking asshole). Maybe people would like you more if you be just a bit more happier. Or maybe I'm just saying that because I'm in a constant happy mood that's been going on for about a month.

Instead of picking a fight with somebody, do one of the above mentioned things, or listen to some music in the Audio Portal, or go to your Favorites section and pick out something you haven't seen in awhile, or try to get a bunch of Medals.

But if you really feel you need to, take a break from NG. Take a break from your Crusader wars, clear you head, pick up a hobby. Just make sure to stop by sometime.

And is sQueef still around? He was awesome.