Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

Age 34, Male

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Coming Out of the Lynch Mob

Posted by SoulMaster71 - June 15th, 2009

Newgrounds, I have a confession to make. I am, and have been since at least October 2008, a racially aware white man, or as the gAyCLU would love to label me, a "racist" and a "white supremacist".

Now let me clarify this. I don't "hate" blacks, Hispanics, East Asians, Middle Easterners, or any other racial or ethnic group based solely on their race or ethnicity. If I hate anyone it's the neo-Nazis and others who give racially aware individuals like myself a bad name, as well as the dangerous "walking stereotypes": criminal black and Hispanic gang members, jihadist Islamic fundamentalists, destructive Jewish bankers and lawyers, that sort of thing. However, through anecdotal evidence from professionals, to crime, disease, poverty, and intelligence, to simple observations of history (we built civilizations, Asians built civilizations, Middle Easterners built civilizations, the Native American groups which went on to become Hispanics built civilizations, but once you got to sub-Saharan Africa... Nothing but mud huts and jungle), I have become of the inferiority of much of the black race to the other races of the world. I have also become aware of the special role of whites in the creation of many modern inventions (though this is not intended to exclude the major roles of other peoples' contributions either). And because of this, I am now racially aware, and despite my acknowledgment of the multitudinous Asian races and ethnicities, as well as those blacks and Hispanics who do not engage in violent and stupid behavior but instead join in the continuing process of building and maintaining human civilization, as my equals, liberals (at least those who read it, which will be pretty much limited to established Newgrounders) will try to paint me as a "white supremacist".

But who, really, is the white supremacist? Is it me, who believes that all people should be held to the same standard of behavior regardless of race, and acknowledges when this or that category of people is not performing as well as another? Or is it the left-winger, who do not hold the black man to his under-performances, instead blaming the white establishment when not only did de jure segregation end a generation or two ago, but since then the white "establishment" has given them extra opportunity for success with affirmative action programs. I treat the black man as an adult and hold him to his faults, and when failure seems to be a quality of the black race, I call what I see. They treat the black man as a child, and see society as his mother, responsible for feeding and clothing him from birth to death. Which of us, then, really tries to "keep the black man down"?

I'll admit, there are black men and women who achieve great things in this country. I laugh at some African-American comedians' jokes, just as I laugh at some white, Hispanic, or <a ny other race goes here> comedians' jokes. I don't like that damned socialist Obama at all, but I can respect what he did... I mean, even with affirmative action, white guilt, a media that sucked up to him during the whole fucking campaign, and to top it all off an economic crisis that began a month or less before Election Day, it's still hard to become the President, right? Condoleezza Rice might be a better example, if only because I actually agree with her on some issues. And I can appreciate those achievements, ignoring race. However, when blacks are that much more likely to be poor, or to have AIDS, or to commit rape, robbery, or murder, or to be mentally retarded... It's not the white man's fault. It's probably the retardation, but for me to say this is just asking for flames from the left.

So there you have it: I hereby admit, in the presence of all Newgrounders, that I am racially aware. In addition to being aware of the differences between the different races of man, I am also aware of the place of my own people in the world. I am also aware that there will be consequences, foreseeable and unforeseeable alike, to my admission, but I feel there must be no secrets between myself and my community.

One small addition: I do not necessarily agree with the full conclusion of the Chimpout network and community, the conclusion that blacks are not "human" just by virtue of being black. Nor do I agree with their constant use of a particularly offensive word about blacks, a word which the Newgrounds system most likely won't let me use, so I'm not going to try it (you guys know which word it is anyway). I'm simply using their information, nothing more. I don't agree with the political conclusions of most mainstream media outlets, but I'm willing to use information from them in making decisions (once I can filter out the disagreed-with political content).


people always do think that they know the person just because he does something which is somewhat similar to those who made the real mistakes

like the man hating friends that you're wife has
and they hate yo because you are a man
and you're doing the same thing as the men that deserted them
being a husband

i wish i was making any sense

Ah, but here's the rub. If it was just one man, or a handful of men, who deserted their women (a common trait in black families: 65% of black children are raised in single-parent households, compared to 23% of whites, 37% of Latinos, and 17% of Asians and Pacific Islanders, according to a 2007 survey by the National KIDS COUNT Program), then while those women have every right to be angry with the men who deserted them, it is illogical for them to extend that anger and hatred to all men, though it may have some emotional appeal. But when there's a clear pattern of black inferiority in all mental areas, as shown in the above statistics, one possible logical conclusion is mental inferiority of much of the black race.


Hey dude, due to an internal problem with my computer, I won't be able to get any kind of banner in for you. Sorry about that...

Also, as a person of native African descent (parents are from Western Africa), I agree with you on just about all of your statements up there. I can't argue with those statistics; finding a smart black person sometimes is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It might be how black and liberal media appeals to them, but it's definitely showing.

It's all right if you can't get me that banner now, or ever for that matter: Hell, 71chan is a long way from "back up", so someone else will join the contest.

And how about this challenge for the black race: stop acting like children and start acting like adults. When your own people, or at least those who have contributed positively to civilized society, think you're acting like a bunch of fools... Well, you're acting like a bunch of fools. Heck, maybe I should make that my next post: Challenge to the Black Man. And since you're obviously at the same level of intelligence as an average white Newgrounder (likely even more, since the BBS makes the ghetto look like Harvard sometimes), this doesn't apply to you, or to TehSlapHappy, or THEJamoke, or any other black Newgrounder who I've encountered thus far.

Ahh, but there is one trait that the black race holds superior to the whites. Their genitals are larger than us. Both the males and females are larger, which is why white whores have no qualms over sexually interacting with black men.

Ahem, racially aware, a good way of putting it. It would take courage to say these things to these people. Perhaps, are you tired of holding in your less happy comments to different races? I understand you think that calling a black man stupid is no more offensive than calling a white man stupid for the same reasons. I'm not saying it isn't justified, I'm just saying you have some real balls.

I never generalize races, but I have noticed patterns. I don't know enough black people to say that they are, often, mentally inferior. I DO know that the black people I HAVE met, ARE likely, a little more needing of mental help as far as IQ. Just a tad bit more than other races. But I wouldn't really want to say this, because even if they are a mentally inferior race, by no means are they a physically inferior race. I'm a large child, but some almost match my height of six feet.

By the way, how did you get the information ^up there^ about the percentages of each race and how likely they'll live in sing-parent households? Not where you got it, did you really look it up? Did you really have a hunch that the percentages were that high for the black race and you wanted to check so you could use that information?

Soulmaster, being racially aware is not bad in any way. But make sure you're aware of the thin line between racially aware and racially offensive. You're not being racist because you know this information and use it. No, no. I can just see that you might do something uncalled for like win an arguement with a black man about any kind of topic, and yet end the discussion with something stupid like "you are ill informed, just like the rest of you".

You're intelligent enough to not say such blunt things, but you could still have potential to say things equally offensive, just not as easy to catch.

It's the thought that counts. Remember that. Or at least...

That's what I think...

As for the large black cocks...
http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/sex_re lationships/facts/penissize.htm
At the bottom of the "Average penis length" section, "It's also worth pointing out that there is no correlation between penile size and race." So there goes that myth.

"I'm not saying it isn't justified, I'm just saying you have some real balls."
Thanks. That's something I recently got back from what I used to have before I started watching WWE, which I sacrificed to the pro wrestling world. Now, for that intelligence...

I'm not afraid of blacks by any means. Maybe it's because I have only one weak point on my short yet wide frame (261 pounds though, I might need to get at losing weight), maybe it's because there's only ever been a few of them around where I live, maybe it's just because I've never walked down an inner-city alley at night, but most black people just don't scare me without the guns and knives. On the other hand, yes, they are rather physically gifted. What many (not all, by any means, but certainly many) blacks lack in mental ability, they make up for in physical prowess. That's what was advantageous on the African Savannah: throwing the spear farther to get prey from longer distances (less chance of them seeing or smelling you and running away before you got into range), running faster (remember, it's not about outrunning the lioness, since no human can do that; it's about outrunning the other three or four guys in your hunting party), things like that. Meanwhile, in the different climates of Asia and Europe, we had to continue evolve. And that ended up meaning increased use of brains over brawn. At least, that's my hypothesis on why these differences exist, though it's not going to get any farther than "hypothesis" for a long while if ever, unless some scientist is willing to do it, but since they're all funded by left-wing universities and the government, they most likely won't.

And yes, I looked it up. Much of it is common knowledge, at least about black crime, illegitimacy, and poverty rates, but I wanted to put up the exact sources and numbers so they couldn't just accuse me of "faking statistics to prove my racist ideology". See, nobody ever questions the liberals' assumption of inequality being entirely forced upon certain races by "the Man", probably because we all love feeling like rebels against injustice, and nobody's in a better position to bring the injustice than the government. But what if the injustice is not against blacks and Hispanics, but against us whites, and we are so blinded by the lies that we can't see it? That's what I observe around me, and if the media is delivering the same message across the Western world (or even across the United States), there's a distinct possibility that they wish some ill on the white race: extinction perhaps, or existence only as slaves and inferiors to other races. But that's pure speculation.

I honestly don't care about being offensive anymore. I'm tired of running, hiding, pandering to censo- I mean, political correctness. Do you know how amazing it felt, getting this off my chest? Letting out that I'm no longer going to be bound by the rules of my enemies? It felt awesome, more awesome than I ever though it would. Of course I wouldn't taunt a defeated opponent like that, especially with a racial generalization: if I had just won an argument, it would be based on the logic of my position and argument, not based on my opponent's race. Generalizations about a particular population, true though they may be for some proportion of the population in question, have no place in a logical debate, because unless you're talking about the laws of mathematics and science, there are almost always exceptions.

That guy on the General Forums had lied about cock size and how race affects it. Who would have guessed that somebody on the General Forums could say something untrue for comical affect???

"though it's not going to get any farther than "hypothesis" for a long while if ever, unless some scientist is willing to do it, but since they're all funded by left-wing universities and the government, they most likely won't."

Because that's fun and fun is unhealthy. Think of the children!

So the other races may wish for ill fortune on the white race? Have fun with your conspiracy theories. Or am I being too blinded by lies to see the light? All the black kids I've met are actually some of the least serious kids who hardly hold grudges. They often crack jokes about things, and often jokes about their own race. As if they didn't care about what the white man thinks. Honestly, should they? I don't know how black adults act because I've never talked to one.

It's great that you feel good with your newfound freedom about expressing your views as you see fit. I know what that feeling is like, like getting some sort of epihony that solved life's problems. That now you can do anything you set your mind too because the new realization had given you strength as a man.

Ah, General. I probably should have left long ago when squeef warned me, but I took the exact opposite road and went to 4chan while staying on General. Still, it's between having contact with idiots or being completely alone, and given the choice I'd rather the morons.

"Conspiracy theory"? Nah, dude, it's just a possibility. I was writing that around 1:30, 2:00 AM, and yeah, around that time I get into making myself bigger than I am (as in comparing events on a website to the Civil Rights movement). Really, though I see the media (run mainly by whites) pushing black and Hispanic rights and entitlements over the analogous rights of whites, and demonizing white-on-black and white-on-Latino crime as "hate crime" while ignoring or glossing over black-on-white or Latino-on-white crime, I'm still wondering why. I just gave one hypothesis.

And as far as blacks acting all chill and shit... I've been threatened with violence at least twice by blacks after making a black joke without noticing them nearby. One of them got over it, but the other was later expelled for a violent threat. And I've known other blacks to get expelled too, at a much higher rate than whites (personal anecdote: out of 7 blacks and one half-black in my class, the half-black moved away, 2 blacks graduated, and 5 were either expelled or dropped out, while out of the uncountable whites in my year, 1 was expelled and 2 or 3 dropped out).

Ah General...yeah, no big memories since 2007. I was in General for my first few months here. I was a terrible poster and people weren't too fond of 13 year olds because, suprise surprise, they weren't common at the time. Since children have a tendency to oversee when they're underachieving, that's not why I left. I left because it was becoming an addiction. So I moved to the Flash Forums to get more information about this "flash" thing. Sure enough, that's how I became another part of this site's past-time.

This was also around the time that we met and when Fatkid made"WTF Kitty Krew". So Where IS/How To became part of my daily visit. About 6 or 7 months later, the Video Games Forums came around. Never went back to General until a little while in Video Games. I had stayed for only a week or two. It wasn't quite living up to what I used to think of it. Somehow, Video games is just as fun as General. Taking part in debates on various topics that have to do with games is just as fun as not contrbuting in threads and rather just making a jackass of yourself to be funny? What the hell is wrong with me?

No, no. General is still fun. I still remember some distinct threads worth remembering, I just can't get into it anymore.

Come to think of it, you're right. Whenever a white man commits a crime directly toward a latino, black, or other race family, it will almost definitely be considered a hate crime, pissing more people off. But, more commonly, when a mexican or black man rapes a young woman (just the most common example), it's just stated on the news and that's the end of it. Just another piece of news.

It has been over 40 years since the Civil Rights movement and end of Seggregation, aren't we about done being so conscious of other races? We think we're equals, but the whites should get in trouble if we commiit a crime against another race? It's not the White physco's fault that his neighbors happen to be of another ethinicity and they get on his nerves. Do you think he wouldn't have killed that family if they were white and doing the same thing?

Damn, that's a lot of dropouts. I've only graduated Middle School just a week ago, so not nearly as drastic. Just one Mexicano who got held back. Twice the amount of Fs needed to be retained I hear. He was never bright, but he wasn't trying either. To him, it was a waste of time. Same thing with my other friend who's getting heldback, and he's white. And then there's my other friend who's also mexican and rarely tried in school. Barely got out alive, they didn't let him in the ceremony though.

They say that mexicans are lazy. I live in a town with half the population filled with them. Most that I have met, yes they're lazy. Is that bad? No. It doesn't hinder them as a person. They're also very fun to be around. A lot of us are lazy. I'm lazy. If I weren't I would have at least ten flash submissions. Only eight when you include collabs.

meh, I'd blame it on the culture. most black culture glorifies stupidity and teaches people to make as much of a nuisance out of themselves as they possibly can. the vast majority of smart black people who I know don't follow rap culture, and the vast majority of black people who I know who don't follow rap culture are smart.

but yeah liberals are fucked up. apparently not wanting to give black people ridiculous amounts of benefits makes me racist. ugh. if you want to help poor black people, you give the aid to the poor people, not the black people, otherwise you're implying that all black people are poor and can't get shit for themselves and you're the real racist. not like they'll ever pull their heads out of their asses or anything, but hey it's worth a try.

and the whole bullshit about glorifying black people in schools is bullshit. if you don't cover white inventors, you shouldn't cover black inventors. representing black people is fine, as long as you do it in proportion to their actual accomplishments. making a big deal out of race like that is incredibly stupid, and just creates massive amounts of racial tension and screws white people over. there's no reason to deny me things that black people can get (how many black-only scholarships are there? I don't think there are any white-only scholarships... oh no that would be "racist" and we can't do that even though the blacks can) just because my skin isn't dark enough for them. none of what happened back then my fault and I don't see why I should have to take the shit for it.

uugggghh this is probably completely incoherent, oh well