Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

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The Value Of Enemies

Posted by SoulMaster71 - December 4th, 2011

Ever since I've come into the world, I've been horrible at making friends, but very, very good at making enemies. Every time I enter a new community or social 'scene', especially online, I end up meeting someone who doesn't like me and whom I don't like. At least at first: I'd be lying if I didn't say that I eventually became somewhat friendlier with some of them, to the point that especially here on Newgrounds, the people I once considered my worst enemies proved to eventually be closer to me than a lot of my original friends. But before I could put the period of mutual distaste behind me, I had to step up.

Enemies, by their very nature, demand much more out of you than friends. Friends just ask that you're not too much of a dick to them, or that you have some interests in common with them, or mutual support and assistance depending on the situation. But enemies keep you on your toes. Enemies never let you let your guard down, lest they completely crush you. You must always be alert, and at the top of your game, if you hope to defeat a dangerous enemy. And as you keep striving your best against them, your best just gets better. As does theirs if they're taking it seriously, of course, but that just means you'll get even better. Case in point, my long-forgotten disagreements in my early Newgrounds days with the Kitty Krew and spammers in general, as represented against me mainly by LordZeebmork. I said and did things in November and December 2007 that, by February and March 2008, I'd progressed well away from being dumb enough to do, all because when I'd said and done those things before, such as comparing Internet trolls to Nazis, those on the other side made a point of revealing to me exactly how far out of proportion I was taking things. I like to think I ended up smarter about things than I went in... But if I did, it wasn't because of my friends.

I'll give you another example, this one not about me personally but about a Pokémon roleplaying chat in which I spend a lot of my time and from which come most of my excuses about not being on Newgrounds much anymore. My character at the time was Mewtwo. You know, clone of Mew, blew up the scientists who created him, was duped by Giovanni, blew up Giovanni's headquarters, planned to destroy the world but later turned into a good guy. There's some other stuff tacked on for the chat involving Mewtwo helping to protect the multiverse from evil, but that's largely superfluous for these purposes. The point is, my Mewtwo is a good guy despite minor anger management problems. His attempts to break the level of monotony that had settled into his life eventually led him to a subdimension centered around a fetish club, where he met the club founder and subdimensional founder, whom we'll call MA. Now, MA had a surprisingly familiar backstory: a genetically enhanced clone who killed his creators, joined Team Rocket, and later betrayed the Rockets. So you'd think he and Mewtwo would get along, right? Not so much. For you see, MA was evil. Not just 'general douchebag' evil, not 'conquer the multiverse' evil, MA was a flat-out Complete Monster if the multiverse had ever known one, if a bit on the Faux Affably Evil side. You wanna know how bad MA was? The story had a Vocaloid-related side-plot based around the Vocaloids being artificial humans marketed as domestic assistants and such. A generally decent, law-abiding man had two Vocaloid assistants: one Len Kagamine unit, and one Kaito unit. Then MA came along. He killed the man, turned the man's mansion into the fetish club subdimension, and began to physically and sexually assault the Vocaloids, ultimately resulting in both units ceasing to function... Only AFTER the Kaito unit had lost both arms. But MA's cruelty didn't end there. He ordered his then-mad scientist to repair, reactivate, and reprogram the Len unit as a rapebot. Consider it like this: being stuck inside your own mind, forced to watch your body do horrible things to people but unable to stop yourself or voice any protest. Luckily the Len unit got out to our hero Mewtwo, holding the deactivated and dismembered Kaito unit, and was rescued. Of course, Mewtwo isn't going to take this lightly, especially not after the Nimbasa Incident (go ahead sucker, ask me what that is) so he and MA became bitter enemies. Then something wonderful happened: the already nigh-godlike Mewtwo became even greater than he was, and set his life back on the proper track, and even eventually met the (humanoid, but let's not judge here) woman that he wanted to marry, all because he rose to fight MA.

More recently in the RP chat, I've developed a sort of OOC archnemesis... An individual who is intent on being everything I'm not, and using his status as such to constantly ruin my nights in the chatroom, prevent plot resolution, and get away with it. Make no mistake, I do not get along with this person. But the funny thing about that is, he's the only one who can make me write a wall of text. Some people are dedicated enough to write such long, detailed descriptions about their characters' actions or appearances, but I can only ever seem to muster that kind of emotion when pointing out how a certain individual bothers me. Perhaps I'm just more cut out to fanboy bitching and following complex, convoluted chains of continuity than to the roleplaying aspect of the chat... Or perhaps my current foe is simply pushing me upwards to greater levels of dedication and ability.

Many people focus on the importance of making friends, and believe me, I'd rather like some more of those. And don't mistake me for a hatemonger, since a lot of this applies as much to friendlier rivalries as to more bitter situations of dislike and opposition. But as with everything else, there's a balance, and fuck it I haven't done a news post in over a year so y'all got this.


Hmm gee, I wonder why it is that you make more enemies than friends. Maybe it's because you call furries "furags" and tell them to "yiff in hell", yet you don't know anything about them.

So in other words, if you want more friends, don't act like a douchebag to people who don't share the same similarities as you do. This doesn't only apply to furries, but to any other kind of people you meet.

Wait, when and where did I say that this time? I don't remember...


I have not been relevant... Well, to be quite honest I was never relevant at all, but I've been beyond irrelevant since 2008. So I'm surprised that anyone actually remembers that I, at some point, existed.

If i were the sort of person who would be so inclined, I would write about how this comes somewhat close to a certain concept in a certain webcomic that once crashed a certain site.

But I am not that sort of person, so I will not.

(Also I'm pretty sure there has to be sexual tension or some shit for that to apply, hence only *somewhat* close.)

Were you that sort of person, you would in fact bring this up just after a friend elsewhere on the Internet got me addicted to said webcomic, and whose references which so intrigued me to begin reading included references to said concept in the context of one of the rivalries mentioned in the post. A comparison which the other person and I rejected, causing my friend to step in and, with her mediating presence, switch the nature of the rivalry to another sort within the category of that concept. Therefore you would be only the second person to recognize the similarities between the rivalries described in this post and said concept in said webcomic.

But you're not that sort of person, so of course you will not.

Hey mang it's been awhile :0 What's up?

The long-missing Soulmaster has for a long time wished to see his old friends again. He's been so far, fought foes so much less fun than any of his old rivals could ever be, and been dragged into the depths of drama. Yet... All of it has made him stronger. Ages of adversity contained in less than a year, but ultimately enough that he could achieve feats that, to many, would seem miraculous. However, unlike a shonen anime, the Soulmaster must still deal with his foes over the long term, instead of defeating them once and having them die forever.

I miss you and everyone else, man.

lol you still exist

More or less. Not as much as I used to, though that's likely a good thing for everyone else here because they don't have to put up with my bitching, moaning, crusading, and general idiotic behavior.

We all gotta move on, the old newgrounds days are done and it's time to deal with life. How is life for you?

(don't mind me I'm rolling my ass off ritnoa so i like to talk)

What is this "life" you speak of? I dropped out of college when I ran out of money to go, I'm currently unemployed and have been for the last year, and my schedule has become nearly entirely nocturnal. My entire social life now happens over IRC. I stopped arguing with spammers on Newgrounds and found a way to be an even more pathetic loser. You?

Hey! Get out of your sad ass state and LIVE LIFE NI GGGUUUAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don't settle for less, go for the best!

Maybe it is time. Toonami's been back for over a year and a half, hasn't it? The Hobbit's been made into movies, two of the three of which have already been released. Zelda games are still awesome. Touhou forced its way back into my life, which is actually pretty awesome. And I no longer feel any desire to watch WWE. So why shouldn't I step back up to the plate? You've got a point there, man.