To be honest, there's nothing special about this game. It's neither much good (by current standards, the situation might have been different in 2000), nor based on a unique premise.
The art, the animation, and the controls aren't bad... For a game made in 2000.
Where do I start... Should I start with the fact that there's no 1-player mode, for fighting the computer or whatever? Should I mention that a single keyboard is only meant for one person, not two, making this game unnecessarily cramped? Or maybe it's that Internet use is usually a solo activity for me and most others, making it hard to even find a P2. Then there's the problem of getting across the ring to the other player: it might have been responsive enough when it was released, but the players move a bit too slow.
Not too bad, but not good. Might have looked better in 2000, but this being 2009 and me having been raised on far better games than this, I'm not impressed at all.
1/5, 3/10.