Many folk like to know beforehand what is to be set on the table; but those who have laboured to prepare the feast like to keep their secret; for wonder makes the words of praise louder.

Age 34, Male

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Deathless Lands

Joined on 10/9/07

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SoulMaster71's News

Posted by SoulMaster71 - January 30th, 2009

OK, now I'm fucking pissed. My free host just went down on me. Not only can I not access 71chan or its control panel, I can't even access the host's help forum to ask the guys there what the fuck is going on, and why my site's not up. I've been having problems accessing it all day (I often access imageboards, or at least the ones that aren't blocked, from school), but now I keep getting the "Network Timeout-The server at 71chan.co.cc is taking too long to respond." error every time I try to get there. WHY?! NXSERVE, WHY DO YOU TAKE MY SITE AWAY IMMEDIATELY AS I GET IT SET UP?! Fucking free host. Then again, while it was actually up, I had nothing but a good experience with them. BUT WHY THE FUCK DID THEY HAVE TO GO DOWN NOW?!

I know I said I wasn't going to make a Rage Blog this month, but this just pissed me the fuck off. And the 71chan Logo Art Contest is still going on, since if this issue with my host doesn't sort out in a week I'll find new hosting.

EDIT: Site back up, hope it doesn't go down again.


EDIT3: Back up again. Damn, this roller coaster ride is making me sick...

Until next time,
SoulMaster out!

Posted by SoulMaster71 - January 21st, 2009

Hello there, friends! This month's Rage Blog isn't going to happen (look for your regularly scheduled rage at the end of February) because, quite frankly, I'm too happy to be pissed off.

Why am I happy, you may ask? Why, it's because my first imageboard, 71chan, is now up and in full operation! We only have one board right now (/temp/, run with sparky4's Yotsubanome imageboard software), but before long I hope to have a fully working imageboard, with both Yotsubanome and Kareha boards (first imageboard to run multiple scripts at once!), frames, official rules, and maybe a few ads (to help pay for better hosting, please understand).

In honor of my new website, I'm holding a logo art contest. Logos must be in .png, .jpg, or .gif (only for animated ones) form, and pertain in some way to 71chan or *chan culture. NO PORNOGRAPHIC OR OFFENSIVE IMAGES! Winning entries will be selected to be the headers of different boards on 71chan, and winning users will be sent the moderator passwords for those boards by e-mail. All entries must be emailed to me by April 20, 2009. First crop of winners will be picked by May 20, 2009. Good luck, aspiring artists!

EDIT 2/4/09: To sweeten the deal a bit, not only will the winners be given the moderator pass to the boards, but the best overall entry will be sent $100, and the second best will receive $50.

Until next time,
SoulMaster out!

Posted by SoulMaster71 - December 30th, 2008

Ok, I'm going to try something new here. Near the end of every month, I'm going to take this blog and use it to explain something that really pisses me off, something that gets me madder than mad, something that makes me want to go out and kill a metric fuckton of people just to get it the fuck off of my mind. This month's topic is YouTube

Now, I know what you're thinking. "LOL YouTube's so funneh y wood u haet it?" At least, that's what you're thinking if you're a 13-year-old kid who probably should be in a special ed classroom. The fact is, YouTube is an abyss, a pit of garbage as far as the eye can see, with little or nothing of any cultural, intellectual, or (at the very fucking least) entertainment value hidden in there. Most of the most videos there are shitty video logs, shitty AMVs, shitty overhyped music videos that one can watch anytime on MTV or BET, or a bunch of idiot kids doing retarded shit and posting it to have all their dumbass friends point and laugh.

Of course, this in and of itself wouldn't be a problem, if it were allowed for people to break the fucking mold once in a while. Hell, there are a million sites of pure garbage on the Internet, and only a very few of them really piss me off. But then again, most of those sites have an occasional moment of something truly glorious, or at least OK, as a break in the shit. But on YouTube, it seems, doing that is enough to get your account suspended. What did rennakiduki do to get suspended? Or aabbccabccccc? All they did was submit videos from Niconico Douga (a Japanese video site with content about 10,000,000,000 times more interesting than your average YouTube garbage). They were two of my three subscriptions, too. Now every day I wait for the third to be suspended too, and with him some of my favorite videos on all that site.

And then I come to NG, and see spammers complaining about Wade's actions. Wade! He has nothing on YouTube admins as far as sucking ass. Wade only deletes for stolen RCPs or Daily awards. YouTube doesn't even have a rule against stealing stuff, at least not an enforced one, but it suspended these likely-innocent users just the same for not giving into a shitty culture, and instead uploading entertaining videos from Niconico Douga.

tl;dr: YouTube pisses me the fuck off, and I feel the Internet would be better off if it weren't for that site of trash.

Rage Blog 1: YouTube

Posted by SoulMaster71 - November 5th, 2007

OK, it's been nearly a month now since I came to NG, and already I've been changed by my experience here. In my eyes, NG is the Earth, the Sea, and the Heavens. Only The Legend of Zelda compares in total beauty, and then only by combining Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and greatest of all, A Link to the Past. Before I first came here, I was stupid, failing some courses in school, watching professional wrestling in my evenings, and merely subsisting in the modicum of intelligence required to call one's self human. But on the night I first gathered up the courage to see what this "Newgrounds" was, I also was given, as a belated birthday present, The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. These two influences, Zelda and Newgrounds, saved my intelligence and my humanity, and freed me from the chains that professional wrestling had placed on my intellect. It is yet unknown what in this place did this, but it is strong enough to break the spell placed upon me by Vince McMahon. More time must be spent here before I discover the secret, but there will be no chore in it, since I love this place and almost everything about it.

I say almost, because nothing in this world is perfect. Newgrounds is no exception. By the end of my first week in this realm, I had been introduced, through suffering the effects of one of their spam flashes, to the evil that is KittyKrew. Their seeming leader, the universally hated BigFuzzyKitten, seems to never think of anything other than how to next kill the brain cells of Newgrounds users. And their so-called "enemies", the Shades Gang, are no better. Yet even within the most evil and heinous groups, there is always some good. It was not the rank-and-file of the Nazi party which planned the Holocaust or World War II, it was Hitler and his highest-ranking cronies. So it is with KK, and presumably with Shades Gang. I have seen movies, made by aspiring KK members (even for KK entrance) which are worthy of Newgrounds (although, since they are KK movies, nothing near as good as, say, many of the Mario-related submissions). The evil seems to be located entirely in their seeming leader BigFuzzyKitten, as all of the good KK flashes lacked him as an author, and were made entirely by other members, under the KittyKrew name. These people need to be saved from KittyKrew, that their true talent could show through by their making of great flashes, rather than by causing pain and suffering to the users of the Portal through spam. My "site", if you can call it that, is a petition to end spam on Newgrounds, by adding spam as a criterion for blowing the whistle on a submission. If this petition succeeds, then spam will become as uncommon as hateful or stolen content, which is unfortunately still present, but not nearly so common as spam.

Yet despite this terrible spam, I retain a love for Newgrounds, due to its role in saving my mind from the eternal darkness of redneckdom. Friends, thank you for reading this. May P-Bot ever blam all bad movies before you see them, and may M-Bot delete the accounts of those with malice towards you. Until next time...
SoulMaster out!

---Error Discovered---
In the actual post, I referred to the ShadesGang as a spam group. They are not. A few members of the Shades have made spam-like posts, but on the whole, the Shades are more reminiscent of the early Clock Crew or Lock Legion, both of which are successful groups with good posts. When I posted the previous news post, I had only seen the spam, and not the good stuff. I was wrong to post on such insufficient information. I am truly and deeply sorry to any SG members who may have read this post.

My opinon on the Kitty Krew, however, remains unchanged. Until next time...
SoulMaster out!
---Posted 10-12-07---