
113 Movie Reviews

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Yes, good.

I've known for a while that you had some level of talent, Orangebeef. I've just wondered as long as I knew you had it, "Is he ever going to use that talent as anything but a spammer?" To be honest, I also usually wondered "What's the awesome song in the intro he uses?" And this movie answered both those questions in one single two-word answer: Hell Yes.

It was, to say the least, shocking to see that you, a known spammer, got Daily Feature when I saw the post by P-Bot. However it wasn't quite so shocking to see that you overcame the manifest prejudice of Newgrounds users after I decided to watch the movie. Extending the Orangebeef pipe intro to include a longer part of the song and new material, this is about the best Orangebeef movie I've seen yet, and it makes me look forward to more.

While this movie is senseless, it's a Beck song so that's to be expected. The main problem here, however, is that it's too short. It's only, what, about a minute's worth of the song? And the cliffhanger ending leaves me wondering, what did the cop do? But that's another tactic leaving me wanting more Beef.

Great movie, hurt only by being a bit short.
5/5, 9/10.

Orangebeef responds:

thanks for the review

I know it's short, it's actually like exactly a minute long. it took me a long time just to animate anything as it was synced with the music and all, and I wanted to submit it on august 3rd along w/ the other orangebeef movies people were submitting, so I just ended it there

It's been too long.

I have to say, I've been thinking a lot about the Lucky Stars recently. Maybe it was seeing the KK's movies mass-flagged the way certain users (whom I will not name, but you know who they are) flagged L* movies way back when, maybe it was remembering first seeing L* in the Portal that night in December 07, but I've had my mind on these Flash movies a lot recently. And now you're back. Awesome. Now, for the Flash itself...

Ah, how I used to love these movies... Cute, funny, managing to prove spam's legitimate status in ways unimaginable from anyone but the Lucky Stars. And this is still as beautiful as it was before, the best flavor of spam by far.

This movie is the anti-Brackenwood. While Brackenwood is made of professional Disney skills and massive visual complexity, this is made with the down-home goodness of a crew Flash and the accompanying simplicity. of course, that's only a con if the viewer wants it to be a con, and I don't really see it as such.

Awesome to see this stuff in the Portal again. Awesome to see *you* in the Portal again.
5/5, 10/10.

This movie is...

Pure VIP QUALITY. You and I, we evidently share the same vision of spreading VIP QUALITY across the Internet, allowing all to bask in its glory (or at least, you show a sign of this vision by submitting the QUALITY in a place long known to be barren, whether or not you have actually envisioned a world united by this level of QUALITY). I don't know if the good people of Newgrounds are ready for this, certainly those raised on the idiocy and ignorance of Futaba's bastard son (you know the one) are not ready and most likely never will be ready for the light of VIP, but nonetheless I believe you to be doing a great service to the community here in exposing the people to this.

I will not attempt my usual review format, because this Flash is so far beyond such concepts as "pros" and "cons" as to render such terms meaningless. Whether or not the people of world4ch /lounge/ are correct in their assumptions about your identity as an anus, you have spread the VIP QUALITY to a land in darkness, and for that I am grateful.

Miku did it better.

Within certain limits, I liked this movie, don't get me wrong. I haven't played Brawl, but I did recognize most of the characters, either from Melee or from the Brawl discussions that have been going on since the game came out. However, any derivative work such as this must be held to the standard of the original, and this movie just doesn't compare to the version I know from YouTube.

Well-animated, well-drawn, and all points of parody were clear to anyone who has seen the original. How many parodies don't have those characteristics... It's worth mentioning, at least.

Not only do I prefer the Miku Hatsune version of the video (I'd rather see lovely Miku dancing than some dude in a skirt, even if the dude in a skirt is the star of the best game series ever), I also prefer her version of the song. Her voice just fits the song better than Len's does. Though now you've got me wondering how Len's twin sister Rin would do singing it...

I guess it's not too bad, however if I were you I would have probably used the Miku version of the song. 3/5, 7/10.

Again with the Lucky Star lesbo scene!

Is this going to be a running gag in your cartoons, you're going to show Konata and Kagami kissing in each one? Because if so, then AWESOME!!! I may not have much liked the show, but some of the yuri is pretty nice. Anyways, off of the girl-on-girl action and on to the Flash itself!

Like your last one, it's immensely cute. This one, however, does not suffer from dissonance between subject matter and artistic style. Sure, some people end up in the hospital, or missing a finger, and Konata and Kagami got in that plane crash, but their injuries and deaths were all comic, resulting from the failure of the main character to cook properly. Also appreciated were the general humorousness of the movie, and the Pokémon reference between our heroine and the carrot (I've been playing a lot of Pokémon recently).

While there have been some developments in your style over the last however long it's been since "Shinukoto!", fact is you used the same basic format for this one. Then again, I guess the old saying applies, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

I'm really glad I watched this one. Really glad. 5/5, 10/10, Favorited, I'd give you more if I could.

One heck of a movie,

I rather enjoyed the original Nightmare City and NC: Catastrophe, so you can probably imagine my delight when seeing that someone else had made a tribute to those two movies. And my delight was even greater after the movie, because it certainly lives up to the reputation established by the originals.

Definitely as well animated as the original Nightmare City movies, and with a more complex plotline. In those two movies, nobody who was unfamiliar with 2ch SJIS characters would know who the characters were, and while it didn't really hurt them, it was nice to know some names to attach to the faces.

403 Forbiddena's music fit the original two better than the song here fits this. Also, it wasn't quite as much action in this one as storyline, so it was definitely missing some of the action-oriented scenes of the original.

Lives up to the original two movies in almost every way.
5/5, 10/10, favorited.

Short, but still funny.

Yes, I do like Metropolis Circuit. Its one of my favorite Flashes by one of my favorite authors. But, apparently unlike certain other users, I can appreciate a bit of humor poking fun at how little rtil developed the story for that little intro to Project Freetown.

Hit rtil's animation right where it hurt: right in the weak storyline. He's going to have to make longer stories when he gets to the real thing for Freetown... Also, showed the other main points of the Flash: the generic characters, the roller skating, and the smoking.

A bit short, and yet all too slow in comparison to the much-faster original. You also coulda showed a bit more on the smoking, since that was definitely present in the real thing.

Not a bad animation at all, for the shortness of it. Had its share of humor about the original, so mission definitely accomplished on this one.
5/5, 9/10.

Cambo responds:

it was only supposed to be slow-paced to draw attention to how nothing happens - if it was faster you wouldn't be bored while it's happening and so it wouldn't really work

maybe i could have done more with the smoking but i couldn't think of anything to be honest

that's a really good review though, thanks

A bit late...

...But kinda funny nonetheless. It might have been even funnier on Christmas itself, or before, but I'm not going to hold that against you, since the extra time made this a better Flash than it probably would have been if you rushed it for Christmas.
Well-animated, somewhat funny, overall fairly good. I will admit, I chuckled a bit at this one.
While certainly funny, in a comedy the whole point is to be as funny as possible, and I've seen funnier animations. The idea of him eating pies was also somewhat random; isn't he supposed to eat cookies?
Meh, it's OK. Not the best Flash I've seen on NG, but sure as heck not the worst.
3/5, 7/10.

Not bad, but...

There's a few factual errors here. The Kitty Krew didn't start spam, not by a long shot. Heck, spam's been around as long as the Portal has, or close enough to it. And the KK (of which I was, for a brief period, a member, though I never spammed the Portal) is no longer the main source of spam on NG. So yeah.

On the bright side, this Flash is not at all a bad one. It's fairly well animated (not Brackenwood-quality, but then again not much is), it's to the point (you don't like spam, that's obvious), and it has an explanation for those who don't "get" what you're going for.

Fairly well animated, gets to the point, like I said above.

A few factual errors, like I pointed out, and it's also too short. I'd like to see the cat at least try to fight back, too.

OK, I guess. Not bad, but not amazing.
3/5, 6/10.

GroggyLobster responds:

yeah, you are right. i could have spend more time animating it but i wasn't trying to create an epic movie, just something to say "hello, there are rascists on this page spreading their 'gas all jews', 'f*ck da 'n*gg*rs' nonsense. DO SOMETHING AGAINST THIS!"

a word to the factual errors: you are right the KK didn't invent spamming but they put almost always a xenophobic message in their movies or adding an author's comment like "all n****rs die!". With spamming i mean these hateful contents.

thanks for your review.

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