Better than most first-timers' movies.
It's not the all-time best Christmas movie I've seen on Newgrounds, but it sure as hell isn't the worst (I've counted at least two worse today alone). The graphics weren't all that good, seeing as how you made them in Flash itself, but I liked the idea, and the use of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's music gave it the feel that one would expect for a fight between two such colossi of capitalism (meaning instantly recognized marketing symbols whose mere presence on a product nearly guarantees a profit) as Mario and Santa, while keeping the Christmas mood one would find at this time of year, and in anything involving Santa. It also contained a well-thought-out storyline, and an ending fitting the characters and abilities of both warriors. I'd probably give it a ten if the graphics were better, but I suppose a 4/5 and 8/10 isn't too shabby at all, and this movie deserves it.